Admissions Process
New entrants will be admitted to All Saints’ School on a principle of available space. The age for attendance of students at Infant One Level is five (5) years by the end of January of the school year. Prospective entrants are asked to submit names to the school’s secretary from January; however this does not warrant a sure space since we take into account the zoning and existing siblings in the school. The secretary will then contact parent informing them to pick up the admission form and agreement for registration to be done in late March.
Requirements for admission:
- Birth certificate,
- Social security card,
- Passport-sized photo,
- Proof of immunization
- Preschool report card
- Completed registration form
- Full payment of tuition*
- Should be five years old by January 31st of the following year.
*Prospective entrants who do not pay full tuition and meet all requirements will be placed on a waiting list to make space available for those who still require admission and are able to meet all the requirements.
*Parents who miss the date of registration stipulated by the school office, may lose the space to another student on the waiting list.
*While first consideration is given to parents who have another child or children in the school, the parents to register a new child MUST use the date of registration as informed by the school office.
* If space is accessible for late registration a ‘late fee’ of $20.00 will be charged.
Registration for Transfer Students
Transfer students are taken on a case-by-case basis and are required to undergo an interview with the administrators as part of the process for admission.
Requirements for admission as a transfer student are:
- Birth certificate,
- Social security card,
- Passport photo,
- Completed registration form
- Completed Transfer Application Form (in triplicate)
- Completed Transfer Recommendation/Reference Form
- Authenticated copy of Cumulative Record and most recent report card
- Full payment of tuition and fees
- Attendance (of parent /guardian and child) at interview with school administrator(s)
It is expected that all current students register before the end of the school year in June. This registration is to confirm their return to the school and to identify the available spaces for new/transferred students.
All tuition and fees must be paid by 15th August; otherwise children will be placed on a waiting list. All tuition and fees are non-refundable!