Teaching Staff

Ines Berry – Vice Principal

My name is Ines Balona Berry, a proud Mestizo descent educator, from the southernmost district of Toledo.  I was born into a family of seven; six sisters and one brother of which I’m the fourth child. My parents had no formal education but from the inception they instilled in me, its importance and how it can create change in one’s life.

From a very young age, my desire was to become a teacher.  I entered the teaching profession at the tender age of 17 and held my first job at Santa Cruz Catholic School.  During my early years in teaching I was able to acquire some pedagogy.  My desire, however, was to be the best teacher I can be for my students, so I began my journey seeking higher education to qualify myself.

I completed an Associated Degree in Primary Education. My personal philosophy continues to facilitate change by pushing to higher standards of which I successfully completed the Induction Program for Newly Qualified Teacher earning a Distinction. With the competiveness of several educational demands, I decided to build on my personal philosophy and guiding principles, which I successfully completed a Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education and made honor roll.  My education journey didn’t stop there, as I continued to strongly shape my career path in education. Hard labor and experience rooted and sprouted successfully, when I was awarded “Teacher of the Year”. Having a vast knowledge in the pedagogical skills, I continue to aspire for higher goals as a vice principal by setting high standards for teaching and learning, to continue to foster growth and provide a stimulating intellectual environment for teachers and students. Spreading my wings beyond, I proceeded on my career path where I successfully obtained a certificate in Educational Leadership from Saint Mount Sanai University. By the end of November 2020, I will be acquiring a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership as an honor roll student. My journey has not been an easy one but it has been one that has earned many experiences and pedagogy that I can implement in the education system and make a difference in my community. In January,2021, Mrs. Berry successfully completed her Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership at University of Belize.    


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